Our mission is to create collaborative solutions to empower communities

Our work in action

Community Innovation as a non profit organisation and consultancy company, that plays a crucial role in fostering community - driven projects.

 We are dedicated to empowering communities by enabling them to drive projects that cater to their specific needs and aspirations. The organization's core mission is to harness local knowledge, skills, and creativity to develop solutions that are sustainable, culturally appropriate, and impactful.

We make a difference.

We want to create a world where communities are the primary architects of their development, leading to more inclusive, equitable, and sustainable outcomes. The organization envisions communities that are not just beneficiaries but active participants in development processes.

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Ready to take the next step?

Our structure is dynamic and responsive, allowing us to address the unique and evolving challenges faced by the communities we work with. We maintain a balance between direct action, community empowerment, and advocacy, ensuring that our work has both immediate and long-term positive impacts.

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"The space Kamila created for us to share our stories is filled with warmth and empathy. She helped our community find its voice, and her genuine interest in our stories has touched our hearts."

— Esita, Biausevu Fiji

Take an action now and stay in touch with us!

Our Founder, Kamila Ciok.

We will be happy to make a change with you. Let’s innovate communities collaboratively! 

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